Originally posted by annanymous
thanks for pointing out this thread. i was just curous how do you make an anemone eat. mine hasnt eaten in like 2 weeks. however he ate a few of my crabs and a slug that ihad in the tank. i try giving him mysis and frozen cuisinecubes but he just holds it and lets it go after a while. i use my hand to feed him. cant figure how to use a turkey baster to feed pieces of meat. last question, do i need to let the mysis stay out for a while and warm up, or can i just separate one and give the anemone right away?
thanks all.
My BTA didn't eat the first week or so I got it, then it dispeared in the rock work for 2 weeks. Finally after I thought it was dead it came back and eats a couple pieces of Krill every 2 or 3 days. It been fine the past 2 weeks, I thought it was dead the first 3 weeks I had it.