Bleached Anemone


Active Member
I woke up this morning to discover that my anemone is bleached...My best guess is that it didn't take well to the heat wave we had over the weekend...I'm not sure what the exact temperature of the water was, but it felt particularly warm. So I'll definitely be looking into a cooling system for the future. If not that, I'm not sure what caused it. I'll be doing a water change in the next few days which may help the overall state of the tank, but I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help keep my anemone alive or whether it's all downhill from here.
Any comments or suggestions?
My tank is a 55 gallon reef community tank that is about 2.5 years old.


if it has good lighting and is bleached all of a sudden it was prob the heat
when a nem is stressed out enough the expel all their zoanithillia and usually die watch him close for deterioration


Active Member
I do have good lighting...Is there anything I can do to help it survive or do I just have to sit and wait and see what happens?


feeding it until it comes back will help its not dead till it detaches and desintigrates or turns into a puddle that stinks really bad. if it has some color and the problem is fixed being heat dont get it again it has a chance


Letting a fan flow air directly onto the tank in a heat wave may help keep the temp down a few degrees. (just my .02)


Active Member
Good to know for the future. Unfortunately I was out of town for the weekend it happened, so I didn't even know until I got back...I'm not too concerned with how to prevent overheating, I've got a few ideas floating around and it was an unusual occurrence.
Right now I'm more concerned with whether or not there are ways to keep my anemone alive now that it has expelled its photosynthetic zooxanthellae...


If you spot feed the anemone try soaking its food in a vitamin like selcon once a week. Just be sure the food isn't too big so he doesn't use too much energy eating the food. I feed mine Prime reef or marine cuisine mixed with some home made food. Hope this helps and good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by InvertCrazy
If you spot feed the anemone try soaking its food in a vitamin like selcon once a week. Just be sure the food isn't too big so he doesn't use too much energy eating the food. I feed mine Prime reef or marine cuisine mixed with some home made food. Hope this helps and good luck
+1 make sure the food is in small pieces


My bubble anenome went from a reddish brown to a white but I did not think anythimg of it because i have seen plenty of white bubble tips?? Did my anenome bleach, is he unhappy? Just wondering it seems to be opening up fine and eating fine and everthing else looks good??? been wondering what caused the color change any ideas???