Bleached?or not bleached this is the ques.


Does he look bleached to u guys and if so what should i do to help him. my lighting is one 65 watt sunpaq dual actinic[420nm+460nm]+one 65 watt sunpaq dual daylight[6,770k+10,000k] =260 watts.Thank You


Active Member
Not all anemone species would have see-through tentacles when they are bleached.
To me, it looks mildly bleached, but hard to tell from the shadow and the reflection on the anemone.


Active Member
Yea, still looks bleached a bit. The best thing you can do for it is to feed it 3 times a week with meaty foods like mysid shrimp, squid, clams, etc. Getting more powerfull lighting would be best, but it may get by with the lights you have now.