

Hi everyone
anyone else out there have a lawnmower blenny or a bi-color? i have both and they are doing great, they really wipe out your algae. they are the most interesting fish ever. kinda shy, but they get bolder with time.
does anyone have any homemade recipes for these algae eating gluttons??? what about homemade recipes for the other fishes? (i really hate flake food)
thanks again


New Member
I have a problem with my tank it has green algae on the rocks. I heard lawnmower blenny's love green algae is this true??
Does the lawnmower algae bothers anemone?


i had 3 inch green algae growing in my tank, on the sides and on the rocks, a new tank thing. after i put mugsley (the lawnmower) in the tank,you could see a difference in 3 days, after 1 week we r almost totally clean!! he eats like a horse, he will swim straight up the back of my tank and drag his mouth down the side and scrape the algae off the glass, and really works at the rock. i really doubt he would bother your anenome, he is so peaceful and keeps to himself, if you have rock, he sits ont he rock and although mineis like 4", you can be looking right at him and not see him, he is a very interesting little fish, burrows a little and keeps his place very clean. not the brightest looking fish in the salt water hobby, but would not trade him for any. so ugly hes cute!!


New Member
thank blennyluv,
I like my blenny also, i just bought him the other day to see if he will eat the algae ...slowly but surely he is. I also bought a Emerald crab. I noticed you have a 55gallon tank also. What are you lighting specs and when and how long do you run them??


did you get a lawnmower??? i have 2 blennies, my lawn mower is a bit shy, but my tank is really clean, and my bi color is the busiest, nosiest happiest fish in the tank. love them (tell by my name eh?)
my lighting right now is pathetic. 2 15 watt triton bulbs. they are the best of the lowest if you know what i mean. i am selfish, i love my tank, so i am running my lights like 13 hours right now, i know i will have to cut back when i get better light. my tank is new, like 2 mos. so i am watching ---- for some good lighting. i am going to wait until the tank is 6 mos old before adding anenome and coral, so that is my goal. i just got an emerald crab too, aren't they the funniest? i dropped a shrimp pellet in by him this morning and he ate like he hadn't had a meal in months. plus he tucked it under his body like to protect it and tried carting it around with him. i have lost 3 fish, one clown, and a bangai cardinal. and a coral banded shrimp. the clown was a bit sickly when i got him, but we thought he would make it, ended up not.i don't know what happened to the cbs. think he got too friendly with the star fish, and the cardinal just did not adjust. only lived 2 days. never ate.


New Member
your tank is fairly hasn't had the time to develop yet but it will. I'm sooo addicted to saltwater fish. I like my blenny, he moves around so much. he has character. Are fish expensive in montana?? i know in oklahoma one snail cost $2.00. I'm from florida so im in shock of the prices here. over there snails cost .50 cents


Anyone have a red spotted blenny? I have one and he's a great algae eater though he mostly eats microalgae and cleans the sane(well mine does anyway) anyone i would recomend him to anyone. (sorry if this was off topic)


yes, fish can be very expensive in montana. i live in a really small town and although our lfs carries salt water, the choice is not good. i have to go to billings (250 miles) for my fish or order them from this sight (which i prefer) our stores do not guarentee thier fish at all. so you kind of take the chance. snails are like $2.50 each and they are so small. cbs, $20, clowns are $20 or more. paid $50 for my blue tang. $20 for my gramma. $25 for my mandarin (and i am told he is going to starve, great)
back to blennies, i ordered a red and white scooter, but they were out, could not decide if i wanted a bi color or a lawnmower, so they sent me both. no extra charge. my lawn mower is fun to watch, he has a heck of an appetite, he is like 4 inches long or better. the bicolor is a clown, the blue tang follows him around, she kind of picks on him, but he does't seem to mind too much. he is a little clown.
what kind of personality does your blenny have?
i think i am addicted too, set up a 5 gallon qt tank yesterday, going to get a damsel to put in it, they seem to be tough.


New Member
a 5gallon tank? Is that big enough? what does QT stand for?
Well my blenny likes to swim all over the place. He takes rides on the snails, hang on my current blowers. Sometimes i see him munching on my hair algae...that is a good thing because from what i hear you can get blenny's that have special appetite...or picky eaters. i like him though.
1. what web site do you go to?
2. If you know someone on the coast you can have them mail you snails through the mail...real cheap. all you do is wet a paper towel with salt water insert it in a bag and they will survive the trip. you will save $2.00 on every snail.


its a quarentine tank. i have 2 damsels in it to break it in, a power filter on the back and a power head. it was not a big deal not to have one until i started counting the $$$ in the 55 gal, and i have heard of too many stories how one fish brings in a bug and the whole tank gets wiped out. the fish only has to live in there for like 1 week, just to be sure, than he can move to the big tank. once 5 gal is broke in the domino will probably move to the 55 gal. but i am not sure about the blue velvet, he seems a bit ornery, pretty, but ornery. i don't know if the 5 is big e-nuf, but i can always make it bigger if i need to. in fact, as addicting as this hobby is, i am sure it won't take long and i will need it to be just a little bit bigger. ha ha
i ordered my snails from this site, and my blennies. it is much cheaper, they are like 10 for 9.99, free shipping. bought a bumble bee snail today, pretty small. $6. rediculous. neat snail tho.:D


my family thinks he looks a little prehistoric also. the bi color blenny is a bit eel like, hides in holes, but will come out when you sit by the tank, he gets less shy all the time.


so, i love to hear about everyones tanks, what else have you got? live rock? kind of corals if any? brag it up!!