blennies vs gobies?


I am going to place an order, i am trying to figure out what fish to add to my 36g. i like the pajama cardinal. what would work better a blennie or gobie? or can i do one of each?


You can do one of each. They are not the same species. I have had a goby and a blenny before, I had a Lawnmower and a 2 Spot, no conflict at all.


Active Member
You should specify a species your considering. Many might do well in your system and many may not.


you have got to be careful too... if you are ordering from here you are required to spend $79 that could be alot of fish to add to your system at one time (especially a 36 gallon).


What if i added some pods, snails and more hermits. I also want another emerald green or the pink crab. will they affect the bioload also?


Active Member
Originally Posted by slomo
What if i added some pods, snails and more hermits. I also want another emerald green or the pink crab. will they affect the bioload also?
Generally inverts will not affect the bioload as most of them help to clean it up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nick76
Generally inverts will not affect the bioload as most of them help to clean it up.
Unless they are shipped long ways, and had a lot of things on their shells die, but I really wouldnt worry about this. Just make sure you watch your parameters and if their manages to have a lil spike you could do a small water change.


You can keep many different species of gobys together but only one blenny or they will fight like cats and dogs.