

Active Member
I hear about the problems of them starving to death, I was wonder I once added some live algea for my tang to chew on and I had huge amounts of algea growth bc of it, If I were to buy more of that algea, does anyone think it would create enough food for a blenny?


What kind of blennie are you talking about? I have a bicolor blennie, and I haven't been worried about him starving because he eats all the time.
Very bold, not shy at all, and if he is still hungry after I feed him, he'll eat things off the rock.
I feed him the small spectrum pellets.


Active Member
well, from what I have read, many times blenny's will not eat flakes or any other man made food.
So just relying on algea growth
I was thinking about lawn mower blennys


my lmb eats anything i put into my tank. pellots, flakes, frozen foods/meats. but from what i've read hes an exception not the rule.