Blenny and Goby


I have heard differing opinions on the compatability of these two fish, can anyone give me some info on keeping these two fish together in a 37 gal. w/ about 55 lbs. lr?


Active Member
Ive kept lots of gobies with blennys and had no problems at all. right now i have a flame tail blenny with a clown gobie in my 37 gal and a lmb and a clown gobie in my 150.


Active Member
Can you be more specific of what species you have in mind ??
Often mixing certain species of these families or even conspecies can have bad results ( particularly with some blennies ) but many should work well also...


Actually my lawnmower blenny chases my orangemark goby all over from time to time and the blenny was just put in a couple of weeks ago and the goby has been in there for a year. So it seems to me that the blenny is sort of aggressive. I knew they may be agressive towards something that looks similar to themselves but I did not think the goby did. I guess the shape is similar, thats the only thing I could think of.


i have a midas blenny and I would like to get a tiger goby or a sleeper goby, the guy at the fish store told me his midas is a bit agressive.


Originally Posted by FireRescue
Actually my lawnmower blenny chases my orangemark goby all over from time to time and the blenny was just put in a couple of weeks ago and the goby has been in there for a year. So it seems to me that the blenny is sort of aggressive. I knew they may be agressive towards something that looks similar to themselves but I did not think the goby did. I guess the shape is similar, thats the only thing I could think of.
Some LMB get attitudes regardless


Active Member
Originally Posted by blkhawk10
i have a midas blenny and I would like to get a tiger goby or a sleeper goby, the guy at the fish store told me his midas is a bit agressive.
I would not recomend that.
The Midas is can get very aggressive with passive fish.
On a side note, Most sleeper ( sand sifters ) gobies will feed on tiny organisums that live in the sand bed and will often depleat a small system of their food source and many starve to death after a short time because of this.
They should only be kept in a well established large system will a healthy live sand bed and even a refugium to help replenish the sand fauna.
I know the Tiger Goby is a beauty, but must be kept in the right conditions.


Active Member
I know from past fish I have had as well as two of them right now that if there is a blenny and a goby that may look similar they can possibly fight. I have a yellow watchman goby and a bi-color blenny that are always in a lip lock with each other anymore. Initially for over a year they got along fine. If one ventured inthe others territory just a flash or change in posture wa enopugh now its like they just ilve to antagonize each other and get bowed up with each other. I have one tank with 8 yellow clown gobies in it and also 6 green clowns and all do fine together. Had a bi-color blenny in that tank too and he used to continually pick on the gobys all the time....and everyone told me the clowns would fight with each other.......but they never did.