blenny color


Active Member
Can someone tell me why my bicolor blenny has such drab colors? Is it the ---?
The blenny is healthy, eats everything and anything. But I have noticed that the yellow color is not as vibrant as my first one was.


Active Member
That is to bad if that is the case. This one is the same size as my first one which was brilliant yellow. Oh well they are still darn cute..... :joy:


Active Member
That is what I was thinking that I might have a female. I loved the two distinct colors. Oh well they still are cute.


Mine has also lost almost all of its yellow tail color. There is still a slight yellow undertone but it is mostly a drab purple/blue.
Haha, if that means they are females.....Mines name is Benny.


Well even though they have lost their yellow tail color-they are still so adorable and so fun to watch. They have the cutest little faces - very inquisitive.


Active Member
Yes they do have that cute face. I just love those big eyes and the doinkers on their heads. Mine still has some very pale yellow showing but not as vibrant as my first one. They are very bold and will stand their ground to any fish.