Blenny Question...Any Possible To Keep?


I have a 28gal as I have stated in an earlier post and sadly decided to place my Scooter due to not enough food. He is getting a home I believe tomorrow or Monday. Anyhow my question is I am in love with the blenny's and was wondering if there were any one I would be safe with having in my tank. I thought of looking into a algae blenny but hear my tank is also to small. Please any suggestions are welcome.


Active Member
Barnacle Blenny is one that would work
The Barnacle Blenny which is also known as the Tube Blenny, originates in the Caribbean Ocean. Its color is a mottled black, white and red covering the body and fins. The head of this fish is covered with short hair-like appendages and has two very large eyes.
A well-established 10 gallon or larger aquarium with multiple hiding places and plenty of rock is a suitable environment. The Barnacle Blenny is a very entertaining fish, as they race as fast and furious as they can to snatch food from the water column while trying not to be eaten by the other fish. The body of this fish is seldom seen as they will take up residence in a small crevice in the rocks. They are a very attentive fish constantly watching about the aquarium waiting for a meal to come their way.
The Barnacle Blenny does best in well-established aquariums with large numbers of crevices in the rocks in which it can hide. The diet should include meaty items such as finely chopped crustacean flesh, vitamin enriched frozen brine and mysis shrimp.


I have a starry blenny in my 30g cube, does great. Have had him for at least a year now. Eats everything that I feed.


Active Member
For that size, midas, canary, bicolor, other small varieties. The bicolor is a 50/50 shot as far as reef compatability, and the canary is poisonous. Very pretty fish no less.


Active Member
Originally Posted by paintballer768
the canary is poisonous. Very pretty fish no less.
Is it really, no where on does it say this on sale page.
Canary Blenny - Aquacultured $19.99
Meiacanthus sp.
Aquacultured by ORA. Much, much hardier than the wild caught canaries.
Size: 2 inches
Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Safe: Yes
Diet: Brine, Pellet
Origin: Hawaii
Acclimation Time: 3+ hours
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallon
Coral Safe: Yes
Invertebrate Safe: Yes
I have a bi-color and it eats everything.


Active Member
Actually Canary Blennies are venomous like paintballer states
The Canary Fang Blenny is also known as the Oualan Forktail Blenny, or Canary Blenny. The Canary Fang Blenny is aptly named, being a solid vibrant yellow. Males are generally larger than females and experience a succession of color changes when breeding.
The Canary Blenny can make a wonderful addition to many community or reef aquariums. With their relatively peaceful natures and their brilliant colorings, these Blennies can make interesting captives.
This blenny needs a minimum tank of 30 gallons with live rock for hunting and grazing in order to thrive. It is best to keep only one per tank unless a breeding pair is maintained. If attacked by other fish, the Canary Fang Blenny will retaliate by biting the inside of the mouth of the attacker. The Canary Fang Blenny is considered venomous and should be kept only with caution around children having tank access, since it may perceive fingers as an attacker and deliver a similarly painful bite.
They are equipped with a pair of venomous fangs, which they usually use as a defensive measure against predation. These fangs can (and often do) deliver a painful bite, and it is advisable to avoid reaching into your Blenny's aquarium or hand feeding it.
Canary Blennies are considered to be reef safe. They normally do well in community environments as long as plenty of space and hiding places are provided. However, they normally do not get on well with other Canary Blennies, and unless you are attempting to create a mated pair, it is advisable to keep only one of these fish per aquarium. One of the most charming traits of the Canary Blenny is its apparent boldness; these fish seem to spend little time hiding and often swim in open areas. Their bright, usually yellow, color can really add interest to an aquarium. Often, Canary Blennies are added to aquariums containing live rock. This allows them the opportunity to perform the natural grazing behavior they would show in the wild, and the material they glean from this rock provides an important part of the Canary Blenny's diet.


Active Member
you would think would have that in their description like they do with other venomous fish. I almost bought one and somethimes my daughter helps me with the tank.


Active Member
I have a lawnmower/algae blenny in my 29 and he is doing great. I don't have much algae for him to eat but he is the first one to gobble up mysis, rod's food and I have a bunch of pellet mixed together that he also chows down. The pellet food consists of: formula 1 & 2, omega 1 and mycrocrabs (cyclopeeze). I hope this helps you. I love my lawnmower