i have a banded snake eel that has not eaten since i got him, which was 3 weeks ago!!!! i have tried frozen shrimp, squid, silversides, and live ghost shrimp. right now i have 7 shrimp running around in my 55gal and the only ones picking on them are my flame angel and blue damsel. they are all i have in the tank.. the eel is about 1.25 feet long.
some times when he sees a shrimp in his face, he may tart at him to eat him, but he always misses. and he never sees ones that are like an inch away from his nose. do eels have bad site? are my lights blinding? its just a standard 50/50 bulb.
some times when he sees a shrimp in his face, he may tart at him to eat him, but he always misses. and he never sees ones that are like an inch away from his nose. do eels have bad site? are my lights blinding? its just a standard 50/50 bulb.