Blind Fish?


Okay, you have read my dying puffer posts over the last two weeks. Well, he's not dead yet.
I have been feeding him with a dropper and a wire when he was at his worst. He has been in bad shape for 17 days now. He has been more active the last two days.
He actually spent a great deal of time buzzing around the tank today. Food seems to get him excited, but it seems like he can't see it. He's also a little clumsy. Could he now be blind?
Should I treat him with anything? How long can he go on like this?


One day the LFS got a porcupine in that had a horrible looking eye. The fish just sat there in the corner looking like it was dead everyday. Months passed, and the fish slowly started to get better. One day I came in, and the fish looked fine! He was swimming around with two good eyes like nothing ever happened. I was truly amazed at how it had recovered.
Good luck, hang in there!!!


Active Member
We have a little Puffer who was really sick where I work.
Just feed, feed, feed and love, love, love... Ours is looking better.
Keep us posted on the little guy.