
Well I finally cured the cloudy eyes on my Blueface Angel, but now he can't see. He eats by finding the food on the ground. I can't take him out of Quaritine because I think he won't survive in the displaay tank being Blind. Is there an outside chance that this can be fixed? I know it probably cannot, but I thought I would ask anyway.


Staff member
How did you treat the fish to begin with? What was the initial problem? Does the fish swim around? How is he acting?
He acts ok. He was treated with Maracyn 2 which never works for me. He started out with cloudy eyes. Then stringy stuff coming from the eyes. His eyes are clear now but he just can't see.


i once had a trigger that started out with his eyes getting blury and then he went blind i just fed him hand and i kept him in with my aggressive fish and they didnt bother him. im not saying to put him back in with your other fish becasue i dont know how agressive they are all im saying is i had that same problem and i tried eveything but nothing happened it just stayed the same in the long run i lost him 1 1/2 years later