i just noticed today that my blenny looks "bloated" around the front part of the fish like right behind the head. all of the other fish seem fine and i havent noticed any different behaviors.
i dont know.
yea, he looks like he has a pot belly.
what does that mean. if its bad, how can i help it.
i see him eating from the algae clip and theres always algae up on it and he picks at the rocks a little bit.
I was reading about other "bloated" fish and about clowns and how people were saying that they were pregnant.
do you think that might be the case?
because i dont know if its a he or a she. :help:
I don't think it's anything to worry about. In my experience there are blennies who starve/refuse food and waste away, and those who are gluttonous and eat til they have a fat belly.