Blonde Naso now Black Naso?


Just got a small naso tang from the LFS on Saturday. He's in QT with a green chromis. When I purchased him at the store he looked great, but of course when I brought him home he was pissed and did the color change thing they do where they turn black with with dots..... well anyways, he hasn't really changed colors. He's still black in color, not the blonde color he was at the LFS. He's swimming around and stuff......any ideas??? is he still "upset" from the move????


How long did it last? Now hes just kinda hiding out in the corner of the tank and not eating, I left a seaweed clip closer to the bottom of the tank, maybe he'll munch on something. Not breathing fast or anything, just kinda swims in one spot and is still black. grr... this is my creme de la creme fish.... my fav. of all fav's, and I really don't want him to die ..


Try formula 2 flakes and turnip greens from the grocery store on a seaweed clip. Mine didn't really take to dried seaweed for a few months. The dark color will last for about a 2 weeks or so. Nothing to worry about. Mine still does it from time to time and he is a year old.