Originally Posted by Tanks Alot
i have the code for a free blonde naso tang off this website i payed 39.99 for him for 15 you can have the code
I pay $20 if still available?
so buying the code from you would entitle one to get the fish with no additional cost? what about shipping? you can also email me with more details at pistolpete1215@yahoo.com. i seriously interested . ive been looking for a blonde naso a while ., just too expensive in my lfs. thanks
Originally Posted by Tanks Alot
yes fish is right
the next time you order from SWF.com and you spend your $79 you enter the code and get the fish also
got it. well I'm not ready to order $79 fromthis site yet so i guess I'll pass for now. thanks
I was joking.. I had put that I wanted the code but i didnt wanna pay.. And this is my 700th POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!