Blonde Naso Tangs


Active Member
Can anyone who has one please post a pic of him/her?
I've always loved them....I owned one in my 90 gallon but it died when it crashed a few months ago.
Today I went to my LFS and they have a real beauty. It's a little over a foot long with full adult colors on his body/face/fins. The streamers are an inch long and his body is an easy 2 inches thick....My new 110 would be too small for one that size but I'm definately interested in getting a younger one...SOOOO can some people post pics of theirs? Please include his size and tank size.


Active Member
Personally I dont have one but I wouldnt put one in anything less than a 125.I know they need a somewhat stable tank at least prob 2-3 months IMHO but thats just me since theyre ich magnets


Active Member
well all tangs get ich easily in my experience on the board and in the lfs because of there incredibly thin slime coat
Ok to me, a 1 foot fish isn't acceptable in a 90 gallon tank...
people even say my 180 is too small for a blonde naso tang which is double your tank size.


I have a new aquired Purple tang, about 10 days old, finally starting to eat but now he has a bit of ich, not infecting any of my other tangs yet or my other fish. Its a 180 reef, so now I have to figure out how to treat him, I dont have a sick tank set up so I have to think of another way. I raised the temp up a bit and feeding garlic soaked food, hopefully he'll fight it off.....