Blood Red Fire


I am about to order sfrimp for my 46 gal tank. I will be ordering 3 peppermints. I also want to order 2 blood red fires. I have heard that the fire shrimps can be aggressive to others. Any thoughts concerning this or should I get some skunk cleaners? Thanks.


New Member
I have a blood fire shrimp, a coral banded shrimp, and a peppermint shrimp, and they get along just fine. The blood fire is a little agressive when it comes to getting the food in the sand. If the peppermint and the blood fire are both going for the same piece of food, the blood fire will get it. Other than that though, they are fine.
I have a pair blood red, a peppermint and a camelback and I wouldn't trade my blood reds for the world. They are peaceful and hang out's cool because every two months or so they just pick up and move from their original home and set up shop somewhere else.
They did oust my camelback though :) They're kind of like "mafia" shrimp...the other shrimp won't get hurt if they just listen..ha ha.
Not to mention they are probably the most brilliantly colored creature I've ever had in my tank...just gorgeous to look at.
Go for it!!


Active Member
i did 2 cleaner and 2 peperment
i love the combo the peperments ae rather shy since there nocturnol but there un to watch:joy:


I have fire, peps, cleaner and cbs
I got the peps for aptaisa and if not for that I would do without .
Fire shrimp look best but I rarely see mine.
The coral banded, although getting a bad rap, is by far the most active and largest. It has never caused a problem, yet!


My tank has lots of hiding places as well as open. Shoud be a perfect for them. I can view from front and back. Really opens the options especially for those that hide.