Bloody Murder!!!


Ok, maybe I'm over reacting; but as I sit here and write this I am looking at 2 wriggiling legs that have been torn off of my serpant starfish. All that is in the tank is a 100+ gallon SWF "cleaning crew", 2 clown fish and 2 Damsels.
Does anyone have any thoughts? Should I evacuate the house for fear of my childrens safety? <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


do your clowns have an anemone? if so, & they have bonded to it, they may agressively defend it in that manner or try even to feed it to the anemone; or IT may have tried to get food trapped by the anemone, in which case the anemone might try to eat it too; if no anemone, could be as mr tang has suggested or there is something in the LR that comes out that might prey on it


Many good thoughts. I have Hermits, Emerald crabs, Horseshoe crabs and Sally Lightfoot crabs all of which are considerably smaller than the late Serpent Star.
I am fairly sure that these were pulled off and not the result of a lr shift, but yes there is over 100 lbs of lr, so there are lots of places for "the monster from the abyss" to be hiding.
Sadly, these 2 clowns do not yet have an anenomy. The tank has only been set up since November and I am reluctant to try puttin an anenomy in for another few months.
Oh well, just to be safe I think that I'll go to a motel for the night :D