Blow off LR with powerhead?


Active Member
Does anyone blow the debris off their LR? I purchased a 100gph powerhead last night to keep the sand behind my LR clean and decided to use it on the LR also - blowing off all kinds of loose "stuff". My hang on filter sucked it all up. How does everyone else keep their LR clean - or should I just let them be and let the snails and hermits and emeralds do their job?


Active Member
ok - good - I'm not being anal then with the crap that gathers on the LR. Well I am being anal but so are others..:D



Originally posted by doodle1800
Does anyone blow the debris off their LR?

Sure all the time, like it was said it does help keep things clean and assists in keeping the water quality up. I do it every time during tank maintenance.
Many times with a turkey baster and sometimes with that free power head that came in the bucket of IO for those hard to reach places. Just attach a hose and blow the junk out.
It can also be used as a method of blowing those pesky flatworms around so they can be collected by the mechanical filters.


Active Member

Originally posted by cliffrouse11bas
Learn something new everyday. I am going to start blowing the debris off my rocks more..

me 2


Except for my Maroon Clown remodeling from time to time I don't see much change in my lr except maybe coraline coming and going. I even say it turn to half inch long hair then go back to just a coating. Amazing stuff!:notsure: