blown algea


New Member
i have had my tank for about 2 months now and i cant seem to grow anyother algae except brown. I put a phosphate thing in last week, but everything is still the same. I have done up to 80% water changes about 5 times and nothing seems to work!! please help!!!!!


What are your other readings? 80% is too big I fell. 25% is better. Sounds like your big changes might be keeping your cycle from finishing.


He means what are your phosphate, nitrate readings? These will lead to algal blooms. However, I don't think this is your problem. Is this a newly setup tank? If it is, the brown algae isn't algae, it's diatoms. They will go away in time and b_ball mentions a good point. If you are changing 80% of your water during a cycle, you will NEVER finish the cycle. I know the diatoms are unsightly, but EVERY tank must go through it. If this is a tank that has been setup for a while-disregard everything I just said. HTH--Bob