blue algae?

i have noticed blue and dark green algae growing on my dead coral and a fish cave. I have been checking the levels and doing water changes. Everything is fine. How do i get rid of this ? and what is it?


Active Member
Its cyano or BGA Blue Green algea, same monster different color. Treatment is best when the cause is identified. What size tank how many fish, how often do you feed and how much. Do you feed corals and how much, and how often. What type of lighting do you have? is it new? Have you changed your bubs reciently? How much flow is in your tank?
All things that could answer why you have it. To help get rid of it you can reduce the time your lights are on to a few hours a day for a week or so. Syphon as much of it out as you can, and increase flow in the affected areas.
It is mostly on my dead coral. My light is on from 8:30am til about 9:30pm
I feed once a day (either flakes or mysis shrimp)
I have
2 perc clowns
1 choc star
4 peppermint shrimp
1 scooter blennie
16 gallon tank
am i feeding too much and am i keeping the light on too long? i noticed algae build up on the glass. wheni clean it, it comes back in 2 days.