Blue Boxfish

duke jjz

I just got a hawaiian blue boxfish and was wondering how to get him to start eating food i give him. He is grazing on the LR, but has not touched the mysis shrimp or the squid i have given him. Any tips??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Duke JJZ
I just got a hawaiian blue boxfish and was wondering how to get him to start eating food i give him. He is grazing on the LR, but has not touched the mysis shrimp or the squid i have given him. Any tips??
try offering him a good size opened mussel or shrimp. Once they start eating they usually will accept meaty type foods.
I hope you have him in a peaeful type tank....they usually do better in peaceful settings. Also, they can release toxins and nuke the entire tank.

duke jjz

I'll give that a shot.. What kind of shrimp??
Here is a pic of him btw. He is with 2 tangs, a clown and a lion. He just about the biggest fish in the tank..


did you see him eat in the store? if not might want to bring him back. you could also try live brine shrimp to get him to start eating.

duke jjz

Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Sometimes if you soak the food in garlic it will stimulate the appetite.
Just grind up some garlic and put the food in there??


no, they sell liquid products that you soak the food in. Like for example, Garlic extreme can be used.


Active Member
I would try to get him to start feeding with live brine or live black worms (that is how I got my puffer acclimated to frozen food).


Active Member
My v-lion for the longest time wouldn't eat frozen foods....i got him to eat out of my hand (yes i know how dangerious it is...but it works...and im careful)....i just put the frozen food in hot water to warm it up a bit...then i held the tip of it in the water near the fish and wiggled it...and CHOMP instant dinner! :)
hopefully it works for you!
Good luck with your fish....hes SO cool looking! :)

duke jjz

Originally Posted by Jer4916
My v-lion for the longest time wouldn't eat frozen foods....i got him to eat out of my hand (yes i know how dangerious it is...but it works...and im careful)....i just put the frozen food in hot water to warm it up a bit...then i held the tip of it in the water near the fish and wiggled it...and CHOMP instant dinner! :)
hopefully it works for you!
Good luck with your fish....hes SO cool looking! :)

I got my lion feeding on frozen silver sides in about a week. Now he eats anything I put on the feeding stick! My boxfish last night was eating some of the frozen prawns I threw in, so I think he is coming around..

duke jjz

Well sad to say, i found my boxfish dead behind my LR last night. On top of that bad news, my naso tang was lying dead right next to it. The Naso has never looked sick and was eating well (have had him for a month). I guess the boxfish let out a small amount of toxin around it and my naso was next to it... My tank was cloudy and I found a small amount of ammonia in the tank - i'm guessing from having the 2 fish dead in the tank for about 12 hours. I'm going to do a 15% water change tonight....


Active Member
I am very sorry to hear about your two losses.
Not to be even more negative, but I would do a much larger water change than 15% because of the boxfish dying. That can poison your whole system so I would try doing a 50-75% water change, and then running two to three bags of activated carbon.

duke jjz

Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I am very sorry to hear about your two losses.
Not to be even more negative, but I would do a much larger water change than 15% because of the boxfish dying. That can poison your whole system so I would try doing a 50-75% water change, and then running two to three bags of activated carbon.
Well the carbon is on its way. As far as a larger water change.... wouldnt the other fish in the tank already be dead if there were additional toxins in the tank? The remaining fish are fine, swimming around and eating (like pigs as usual), the water has cleared up, ammonia is back at 0 and its more than 24 hours since i removed the dead fish (36 hours since approx. time of death).. .and i havent done even the 15% change yet... :notsure:


Active Member
Oh, you still have fish alive in the tank? Sorry about that then, forget about what I said. From how you said it, it didn't sound like you had anything left. Just run a few bags of carbon to be safe.