blue carpet, after 1 month


Active Member

Originally posted by slappy
just wondering what you feed your carpet?

Silversides twice a week, shrimp once a week. An occasional piece of herring, squid, or scallop. I'm going to be adding Forumula 1 to his diet as soon as I can find some.


Active Member

Originally posted by schneidts
I was hoping you knew of a place on the ouskirts of Vestal or Endicott.:) Thanks though-

There's a good shop up near syracuse. Great selection, good prices, it's run by a husband/wife couple who took the hobby and made it into a business. I haven't bought anything from them yet, but I hope to soon. The name of the shop is Inland Ocean.


Active Member
:D Thanks alot. I'll have to check them out next month when I'm up that way. Keep up the good work with your carpet-