Blue Corals Wanted

bang guy

Hi all,
My wife said she would like to see more Blue in the display tank when I put it back together.
Anyone have frags of Blue corals they are willing to trade?


debbie g

Bang, I just acquired blue metallic zoos from ----. I can let you know when they spread a bit. It has maybe 40 polyps or so.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Hi all,
My wife said she would like to see more Blue in the display tank when I put it back together.

Did anyone else hear that whip crack?

(sorry I couldn't resist :D)
I just recently acquired two different colonies of blue zoo's, but its going to be a while before they spread. I will post again when they are ready if you're still interested.


Active Member

Originally posted by Debbie G
Bang, I just acquired blue metallic zoos from ----. I can let you know when they spread a bit. It has maybe 40 polyps or so.

Debbie can you put me on that list? I'll trade you for some yellows, reds, or bright greens :)

bang guy


Originally posted by 007
Did anyone else hear that whip crack?

Lesson I learned - If there's anything simple you can do to get the spouse interested in the reef... do it



Originally posted by Bang Guy
Lesson I learned - If there's anything simple you can do to get the spouse interested in the reef... do it



Active Member
You probably don't want these but I got some of the best looking aquacultured blue with dark blue stripes shrooms. I haven't seen any others with as good of color.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Lesson I learned - If there's anything simple you can do to get the spouse interested in the reef... do it

I'm still tryin' to get the GF interested . . . .