Blue Damsel Died :( Trouble Removing Him...

Today I noticed my Yellowtail Blue Damsel was acting funny and trying to swim into the powerhead... he kept getting stuck to the intake on it so I unplugged it. About an hour later I couldn't find him anywhere... by taking a mirror and placing it on the side of the tank I was able to see that he is in the very back of my mountain of LR between two rocks... I can't tell if he's alive or not, but he's definitely not moving -- all I see is the color blue, and a fin (not moving). He hasn't eaten since I got him (that I noticed). My two clowns and blenny are looking fine as is my anemone. I can't reach the Damsel is my problem... to much rock and coral in the way...
What can I do to remove him so he doesn't pollute my tank? Siphon him out?


Originally Posted by shoresidejake
Today I noticed my Yellowtail Blue Damsel was acting funny and trying to swim into the powerhead... he kept getting stuck to the intake on it so I unplugged it. About an hour later I couldn't find him anywhere... by taking a mirror and placing it on the side of the tank I was able to see that he is in the very back of my mountain of LR between two rocks... I can't tell if he's alive or not, but he's definitely not moving -- all I see is the color blue, and a fin (not moving). He hasn't eaten since I got him (that I noticed). My two clowns and blenny are looking fine as is my anemone. I can't reach the Damsel is my problem... to much rock and coral in the way...
What can I do to remove him so he doesn't pollute my tank? Siphon him out?
Well, you could let your CUC take care of business or as you said move a few pieces of rock and siphon. Those are pretty hardy fishes, my next step would be to see what happened...parameter check and water change next on my list.