Blue face angel eating


I've added a blue face angel to well established 100 gallon FOWLR tank bhat only has a harliquen tusk. It's been a week and he is hidden 95% of the time and barely eating. What should I try to feed him to entice him to come out ant start eating aggressively?

crypt keeper

Active Member
he wont come out. They are very shy angels. You can try clam on the half shell. Mysis shrimp or an algae sheet. Most fish wont come near the clip. Rubber band it to a rock. If you choose meaty foods try garlic. Also if you jsut got him he is fine for a few days. He will pick at your rocks. How big is it?


I've found that mysis shrimp is the filet mignon of my reef tank. If a fish rejects that, chances are it will never eat (assuming it's in its recommended diet).
Try soaking the mysis shrimp in some garlic too.


Active Member
Blueface angels are among the most reclusive of the family. As they grow, they tend to become more outgoing, but be prepared for this fish to hide much of the time. After they are settled, they should become aggressive feeders. One's I've kept would devour algae sheets, angel formula with sponge, things like mysis shrimp, Marine Cuisine, Emerald Entree, chopped clam, pellets, frozen plankton, etc.. Give it a good variety of foods. If it's a small specimen, make sure it is not being pestered by anything (e.g. the tusk).
Give it some time and feed regularly. If it's an otherwise healthy fish, it should start eating soon.