blue face angel



Um .. Google has some decent information about fish and you can't post up websites that are competitors ..

boat racer

Originally Posted by team2jndd
nobody was correcting his spelling or telling him how to post. If you had ANY idea what you were talking about you would realize that people were merely giving him a hard time based upon posts he has left for other members and the impatience he was showing at the beginning of the thread. Next time read the posts before commenting it makes things go much smoother.
Hey jerkoff.I know what I am talking about.I am talking about the posts that I have read from some of you who have no patience for people like him.Get off your cloud.He isnt hurting any of you by the way he posts.Who are you people to tell him how to act?He is just a kid.I dont like a lot of the things I read from some of you on here and you dont see me correcting you for being who you are.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Boat Racer
Hey jerkoff.I know what I am talking about.I am talking about the posts that I have read from some of you who have no patience for people like him.Get off your cloud.He isnt hurting any of you by the way he posts.Who are you people to tell him how to act?He is just a kid.I dont like a lot of the things I read from some of you on here and you dont see me correcting you for being who you are.

I suggest you do some searching regarding the history of all the posts from this individual.
My attempt is to help this indvidual change his attitiude. Do not assume my comment pertans to this thread only.
I see your attitude is about the same.
We are all free to be ourseleves.....within certain respecatable guidelines in a public forum such as this.
You often get the respect you give...and repsect is earned and not given freely.
I have seen a ray of hope recently from puffer...keep up the good work.
I suggest you follow his lead.
You too will want assistance...and perhaps the jerkoffs as you call them will remain silent


Active Member
Blue Face Angel Selection
The most important aspect of keeping one of these angels is picking out a specimen that has more than a fair chance of living for you. The following criteria are best to have all going for yours.
1) Size matters; there is an ideal initial window of big/small, 5-3 thereabouts inches in first acquiring/placing one of the Euxiphipops. Tiny specimens are often too stressed, starved to make recovery. Larger individuals tend to adapt to captivity poorly; some become incurable bullies, killing tankmates before mysteriously perishing themselves.
2) The source counts too; avoid ones from their principal sources, the Philippines and Indonesia. Both countries rank as poster children for "not ready for prime time players", still condoning cyanide and other non-sustainable collection of marine livestock, including these fishes. Pay the slightly higher price for a real (viable) specimen from elsewhere; the short-lived ones from Indo and P.I. aren't worth the risk or endorsement of such nefarious practices.
3) Eating; is it? This is a major pitfall with these pomacanthids, especially smaller specimens. Have the animal demonstrably fed in your presence, on foods you can and intend to supply, then leave it. Come back a few days later for a repeat performance. A cyanided specimen may not take food, or maybe try just one last time. Overly cautious? Perhaps, but for an expensive purchase well warranted.
4) Marks, especially reddish raised areas and spots are a danger sign of impending or current infection. Don't even think about buying these specimens.


Active Member
Environmental: Conditions
Chief consideration must be given to size of the system and provision of physical break-up, i.e. decor. These angel species do get large, but even when small only do well where provided lots of nooks and crannies.
A stable, optimized environment is the ideal for most hobby species of marines; Euxiphipops angels are no exception. They do best in higher pH's (7.8 plus), with little metabolite detectable (as little nitrate as 10 ppm is a good target). These fishes visibly brighten up after water changes.
As you might surmise for such large, active fishes with so much rock and coral decor, you want to have an oversized circulation and waste-handling system. If not a sump-type arrangement, a bonus size outside power and/or canister filter set-up, with, of course, a functional protein skimmer.
Euxiphipops are mainly agonistic toward members of their own and subgeneric species. Therefore, one member of the group to a tank. Oh, and if pushed or extremely stressed they can bring their built-in saber of a opercular spine into blazing action toward tankmates and your hand.
It's best to place these angels near last in a well-established tank, turn the lights off, and observe them CAREFULLY to make sure they're eating ASAP and ongoing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I suggest you do some searching regarding the history of all the posts from this individual.
My attempt is to help this indvidual change his attitiude. Do not assume my comment pertans to this thread only.
I see your attitude is about the same.
We are all free to be ourseleves.....within certain respecatable guidelines in a public forum such as this.
You often get the respect you give...and repsect is earned and not given freely.
I have seen a ray of hope recently from puffer...keep up the good work.
I suggest you follow his lead.
You too will want assistance...and perhaps the jerkoffs as you call them will remain silent
WOW! You have some great speaking skills, I am siding with you on this one.

boat racer

Originally Posted by team2jndd
lol did he seriously just call us jerkoffs? uhhhh ok? GITERDONE!
No I only called you a jerkoff


Active Member
Boat Racer said:
Dont let these blowhards push you around.QUOTE]
My mistake regarding lumping all as jerkoffs.
I believe the rest of us are blowhards instead of jerkoffs.
Thank you for the clarification so we can all place ourselves in the appropriate category.

boat racer

You know I was trying to just let it go and keep my comments to myself but you guys just have to keep runnin your mouth.I said what I felt in defense of the kid with no regret.Are yall done now?


He has no attitude Space-Geek. Looks like your the once with the attitude. Everyone else seems to be trying to help him except you. Next time use a little more respect and then tell me how it works out for you.