Blue Face Angle W/ Clown Trigger ????


i was just wondering if anyone has put a blueface angel with a clown trigger and a dogface puffer? Would it work in a 90 gallon?
It is really a toss up that all depends on the clown trigger you have, Some are docile and some are terrors. My uncle had one with a emperor angel for about 6months and then one day it snapped and killed the emperor, a lion and a snowflake eel.Its atleast a 50/50 risk and with an exspensive fish such as the blueface angel i dont know if you want to take it.


Active Member
It's not even really a toss up. None of the three fish are suitable to be kept in a 90gal. tank, so you're gonna have issues. At a minimum, you're gonna need a 240gal tank, for your fish.
The Clown Trigger will eventually establish a MUCH bigger territory (think 300gal+ if you're wanting to keep it) and will actually kill off the other fish.


how come at the lfs you see large clown triggers in with many different types of angels and other fish and its not killing them.


Originally Posted by jewtity
how come at the lfs you see large clown triggers in with many different types of angels and other fish and its not killing them.

Do you realize how large a fish store would have to be if they had every fish in a properly sized tank? The tanks would have to be massive and it is impractical for most if not all stores to do this. Its a fish store the fish aren’t there very long, a few months at most. So they can get away with keeping many large fish in a system that wouldn’t work long term, Simply because the fish aren’t there long term. this is also why you see things like you just described. chances are that the clown trigger isn’t there long enough for it to establish a huge territory. takes a few months. i had one for 8 mouths before I had to get rid of it cause it killed a blonde naso tang. so again store can get away with it, but chances are you will not be able to do so.


Active Member
Plus they really do not ever "settle down" at the LFS with all the traffic and such. In your tank is a different story as they settle quickly because they get use to your room, family etc.


I have a blueface, queen, and koran angels and 5 trigs including a clown they get along fine plus pellini grouper and spiny boxfish everyone will say im bad and crazy but that is ok my friend has 18 angels in his tank and it is rad!


Originally Posted by cunningham
I have a blueface, queen, and koran angels and 5 trigs including a clown they get along fine plus pellini grouper and spiny boxfish everyone will say im bad and crazy but that is ok my friend has 18 angels in his tank and it is rad!

how big is the tank with 18 angels


Originally Posted by cunningham
120 :notsure: and they dont fight
he must have some really good filtration :scared:


cunningham. be careful with that clown trigger. i'm sure you know what that thing is capable of. it could really cause some problems around there. especially with an undersized tank like that.