Blue fish



I have a Yellow Tang and a Maroon Clown in my 55 reef. I'm looking for a blue fish to keep it colorful. Any suggestions a blue, besides a Regal Tang, thats reef safe.


Well the only type's that I can think of and that will get along with current fish are the blue damselfish or the yellow tailed damsel.


A coral beauty isn't blue, but it would sure add a very big splash of color to any tank. A blue damsel would be ok since the big maroon clown would keep him at bay.


What do you mean by a Regal Tang (I couldn't find it on this web site)? Is that another name for hippo tang?
I would highly recommend a hippo tang. We have a similar set of fish - 2 clowns, a yellow tang, a sailfin tang, a neon dottyback and a mandarin. The hippo tang is one of my favorites, if not my favorite. Next to the clowns, it's the least shy and has funny behaviorisms. The only drawback is that they're apparently a bit sensitive to parasites. Ours had problems initially, but with the help of the cleaner shrimp, has toughed it out - which was basically the advice our LFS gave.


A regal tang is a fantastically BRIGHT BLUE fish. They have a black marking and a yellow tail edged in black. I will get one and some Tetra anti parasite food. The food will keep the tang from getting ick. I will also feed normal foods. I will buy a small one because they're only 30 bucks as opposed to 60 for adults.


emperors are very iffy with corals and anyway a 55 is too small for one as they get rather large. Unfortunately, same goes for the Powder Blue. They are a nice fish, I have one in my 180 but I would not put one in a tank any smaller than this. They are very active and require heaps of swimming room. They can be fragile and in a tank any smaller they may well stress out, get ick, and die. Even if they survive ick they rarely live for long in smaller tanks. They are a much more active fish than the Zebrasoma tangs and get much larger also.

mr . salty

Active Member
Sammy, If the day ever comes that I dont learn something, My guess is I didnt pay attention. In the meantime,what do I do with my emperor when I want to add coral to my new tank??? STEVE