blue/green chromis... aggressive or community?


are these fish aggressive? i've heard yes and no.. what is your opinion?
i would LOVE to have a school of 7 or 8 just cruising in my tank, but would be furious if they picked at my clowns, firefish, yellow watchman, or orchid dottyback...


Active Member
How big is your tank. If it is smaller, may impose a problem. If you have like a 300G tank, you should be fine.


Active Member
I have 3 in my 210. They are very peaceful. Swim right around in the middle of the tank against the current all day.


New Member
I have 3 in my 65 gal tank and they are very peaceful. Every fish web site I surf says they are peaceful as well.


Active Member
blue green chromises are really peaceful. i have three in my tank with a clown, firefish and a yellow watchman. they are oftend refered to at damsels but really arnt


Are these a good fish to cycle in a new tank. I don't like damsels because the majority of them get aggressive and turn ugly when they age. The green chromis is still relatively cheap. I got the tank going and I am putting the LR in this weekend. It is a 240 gal. so I was thinking a large school of a dozen or more.


cougar... MANY people will bash you for cycling with fish... but i say go for it :)
as for who i talk to, i go to a local reefer board and i'd say it's a 60-40 split thinking they are aggressive...
i may risk it though..
the LFS has around 30 of them in a 20 gallon or so, they swim together in an awesome school... i'm hoping i can overstock my tank a bit and go for a nice school of 5 or so... i only have a 60 but i have heavy duty filtration with a fluval 204, whisper 60, 3 powerheads and a skimmer rated for a 150 gallon tank... plus a good deal of live rock.


To help cycle I am pulling water out of my old tank, putting new filters on old tank and bringing the old filters onto new tank. I have extra LR in old tank to bring over and I am buying probably another 50lbs of rock. So really the only new part of the tank is the new sand, bad part is is that it is not live sand. So it really isn't like cycling a brand new tank IMO so I think I should be able to get away with getting a school of small fish to help cycle, as long as they are hardy.


shoot, i did the same thing about 1 and a half months ago... no cycle at all.. use enough good stuff and you probably wont have to deal with one either... i too used new sand.


Active Member
I have two Green Chromis in my 55 and they're peaceful towards other fish, BUT I've seen them picking on other fish when they're sick. They pick the heck out of my Sailfan Tang when she was sick and cost her life. They nipped her until she dies, they did that when I wasn't home, it made me mad. That was quite sometime ago when all that happened. But if the fish is healthy, they generally leave them alone. Damsels are aggressive!!!!! I still have the Green Chromis though. They're not picking on any fish right now since all my fish are healthy.


Active Member
Chromis are in the Damsel family. That's why they get referred to as damsels... then again, if I'm not mistaken, clownfish are also in the Damsel family.
As for testing a new aquarium out with them, just go buy a test kit.
Chromis are cheap because of availability, not because they are any less alive than other pets.


I had 3 chromie's, two of them died. I went out and got 2 true percula. My chromie hangs out with them all day, then by night he finds a rock to sleep in. I have never seen him aggressive toward the other two fish, or anything else in my tank. He is very peaceful. And yes the Chromie's and Clownfish are all part of the Damsel family