Blue Green Chromis


Right now I have a 55 gallon tank and was hoping to buy about 5-7 small blue green chromis. i will be upgrading to atleast a 90 gallon within the year.
right now i have a yellow tang and two domino damsels, but before this purchase i would get rid of those b@stard damsels.
is this ok or are the chromis just as bad as the domino's since they are the same family. and will they school in a 55 gallon tank?


IMHO, chromis are more docile and better in a reef but you should upgrade your tank if keeping the Yellow Tang.


I know the tang outlook, but i bought it before i learned that (the LFS said it would be fine) and he is fine for now..
i am more concerned with the chromis because i saw them in a much larger tank and thought they were great looking and loved how they schooled


Active Member
They will school in a 55G. We have 4 in my 44 and they are nearly always together. They are much more friendly than other damsels, though I have noticed recently that they do grow REALLY fast (doubled in size in about 4 months). They do add a nice color to the aquarium and are rather hardy.


brownie~ what other fish do you have in your tank and do they leave them alone? my damsels killed 3 clowns and 2 other damsels so far and i dont want the cromis to do that as well


i have three chromis in my 55 gallon and yes they will grow fast , but are no where near as agressive as other damsels...they are terretorial but will not harass other tankmates.....not like damsels....mine are always swimming together.....they are the best come feeding time.......they love the live rock so have plenty of you can ...choose three or five that seem to be the same in size...this will be important to avoid having a dominant one......


i will probably order them from this site so maybe i can request that. i have 110 lbs of LR so that better be enough!
would it be better to introduce something like a small clown before i get these so he can establish himself or does it not really matter?


I have 4 chromis and have to say that there is at least 1 of them which is aggressive. He picks on my coral beauty and fights with the other chromis.


Active Member
In my tank, there is a mandarin, a foxface, a maroon clown, an Eibli angel, a keyhole angel and the chromis. I have never seen one of them go after another fish. The closest that they have come is what looks to be kissing each other (a little rough, but nobody got hurt).


Originally Posted by browniebuck
In my tank, there is a mandarin, a foxface, a maroon clown, an Eibli angel, a keyhole angel and the chromis. I have never seen one of them go after another fish. The closest that they have come is what looks to be kissing each other (a little rough, but nobody got hurt).
you have a mandarin in a 44 gallon tank???? how do you keep that thing alive?????
i think once i get rid of those dang damsels i'll buy about 5 chromis. i wish one of my LFS had them so i could see them in person instead of in pictures (Since every picture makes them look a little different)


Active Member
I love Chromis!
I just began setting up my dad's 72 bow for him a while back, and he LOVES his little school of three Chromis. They're really easy going and happy. Very hardy, too!


I have a 60g hex tank. I have 4 green chromis and they school right along with the 3 clownfish. They are almost always together. Lots of personality for such a little fish. They are great when the lights go out. They immediately go to bed. I just got 2 small yellow reef chromis the other day. I was hoping they would school with everyone else. So far they appear to be loners. No aggression or anything though. Hope this helps.


i am getting these fish... i need to do a massive overhaul on my tank first. i had an algae outbreak a while back and all my rock still has a green "tint" to it that i want gone.
i also need to get rid of those damsels before they kill anything else i add.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Am00re34
you have a mandarin in a 44 gallon tank???? how do you keep that thing alive?????
i think once i get rid of those dang damsels i'll buy about 5 chromis. i wish one of my LFS had them so i could see them in person instead of in pictures (Since every picture makes them look a little different)

No, I have the mandarin in my 55G that is seeded with pods about once every 2 or 3 months (600-800 each time).
It is odd that your LFS doesn't have them, I would talk with someone that deals with ordering and ask them to order them (if for nothing else so that you can see them, as they aren't that expensive). Both of the LFS that I frequent stock them at all times.


Yeah I would def get rid of the damsels. I am also thinking about getting about 4 chromis. I love schooling fish.


i thought the damsels would school, but i started with 6 and they all killed each other off but for two. now they own the tank and any smaller fish i get they harrass to death, literly! the only fish that has been able to survive is my yellow tang, but he's 3 times thier size


When I was looking for my very first fish, an employee at the lfs was giving me some pointers and said do not get damsels cause they will get very aggressive in my 75.


Active Member
My damsel is very aggresive, he attacked my hand today during my frag project, he is quite mean but he gets along with all other tank mates just have to make sure they are bigger to defend after the initial introduction. all is usually fine afterwards. i put another small damsel in about two months ago and he toasted him in about twenty minutes it was very sad