Blue Headed Wrasse



I've been looking around alot for information on this fish and comming up short everytime. I've had one for over a year now that I took from a friend who went to an aggressive tank. This wrasse is a real laid back kind and just wouldnt defend itself. Anyway he's alot of fun and very active, but Id like to know more about them.
Id like to put some corals into my tank to get some practice before setting up a true reef and need to know if this wrasse is coral friendly. Likewise I'd like to know if some peppermint or other cleaner shrimp would be safe beside him (I know other wrasses will generally eat them up).
Thanks in advance :)


Active Member
I have one, cool fish, eats well, gets along with others,
about 6 inches long , had it for 4 months now,
best 6.00 I spent on fish so far:)