Put the hippo in first. Keep in mind that powder blues are gorgeous, but have a mean streak. I've got one that actually harasses a trigger when it's in a bad mood. Here is my powder blue and hippo together. They get along fine.
I have had these two together for about a year or so, with no problems.I had ayellow tank first then I introduced the powder blue ,then about six months later I got the hippo, I made sure he was the same size as the powder-no problems.They are the best of friends. Then about six months ago I pushed my luck further and got a small Naso.Still no problems.Every tank is different though.Good luck :happyfish
My powder blue is going on 11 years this summer and has never shown any aggression towards any other fish. I kept a Hippo for 7 years with him with no problems. He has now been with a Naso 11years, Clown Trigger 6years,Emperor Angel 8years and a SFE for over 5 years. PBT are great fish once they survive the original 90 days......Good luck.