Blue Hippo died from ick other fish now in QT help!!!


Ok heres the situation brought BHT home from LFS acclimated and put into 55 gal tank with 3 clowns and some inverts after a week BHT got ick (6/3) we put her in a QT tank with cycled water from DT by herself next day (6/4) she died...After she died we were scared clowns would die so (6/4) we placed them in QT tank, guy at LFS said not to treat unless u c signs of clowns being sick. Today is 6/6 and clowns have shown absolutely no signs of ICk, they r as happy as can b, should we keep them in the 10 gal QT tank, water just tested at ammonia is .50, nitrites .50, nitrates 20 and do water changes or put them back into DT? How long should we keep them in QT? Should we do water changes with DT water or with fresh saltwater? Thanks


It is my opinion that you should put the clowns back in the main display. Just keep your water parameters where they are supposed to be. The hippo shouldn't have died that quickly. I have my hippo for about 4 months now and QT'd him for about a month before placing him in the DT. He just came down with ich last Sunday, I think it was attributed to a large water change that dropped the temp down about 5 degrees. Netting him and QTing him would cause more stress than leaving him in the main display. 2 days later 3 other fish showed signs of ich. Not even a week past, (from Sunday to Wednesday morning), and all the fish are back to normal I just kept the parameters correct and fed them garlic soaked food with vitachem. No one is exhibiting signs of ich. You could perform hyposalinity on all the effected fish but then you'd have to leave the main display without any fish/host for about 6 weeks as well. Just my opinion.


Staff member
If you return these fish to the display, and that is a consideration considering your ammonia levels, then you will not be able to get new fish for the duration, and you will need to be prepared to QT the clowns again if they get ich. If you can get the ammonia down, I'd keep them in the QT.


Personally, in your case I would put them back in the DT and feed them garlic soaked food. If you want, you can use this time to set up a proper QT, cycled. Then if your clowns display signs of ich, you can transfer them to the now cycled and safe QT.


New Member
i would put them back into the dt and treat the dt.i bought a c/b from my lfs on the 29may for my b-day and 2 days later i notiched a white spot on my c/b's rightgill and my lawnmower blenny started "scratching" once i introduced the c/b so i was referred by a expert reefer to
try a medication called "no-ich" so i dosed my tank this morning{it's safe for fowlr or mini-reefs}
and ur supposed to use it until u start seeing results so i'll let u guy's know how it turns out.


yesterday did a 1.5 gal water change in the qt .25 ammon, .25 nitrites, and nitrates 20 , clowns r still symptom free this am


Staff member
To answer your question in PM, you used display tank water to set up the QT, so transferring ich from display concerns is not relevant here, since the water you used to set up QT is display water. If they get ich, you need to treat them. Do you have a refractometer? If not, now is a good time to get one just in case.
You need see that the fish are ich free for 3 weeks before returning them to the display. There is info on hyposalinity and ich in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum. Take a look at that information. It may be helpful to you.