I would not worry about the hippo too much. I bought one about 5 months ago. Same thing happened. I just fed garlic, and let it take its time getting used to the new surroundings. The less you stress the little guy out, the better he will be. Mine hid behind a power head for about a week. I kinda worried about it for a few days, but it is just scared. He will be fine. I didn't put mine in a QT either. Mine is growing like a weed. I may get flamed as well. But I don't think this saltwater fish business is as hard as some make it out to be. Knock on wood, I have had my tank up and running now for about 18 months, I have not lost a fish yet. I also don't have a QT. My theory is, If you buy a good healthy fish, your chances of success are alot greater. MY lfs has copper in his tank, and he has super healthy fish. He has an amazing setup. What's the difference in The fish staying in his copper QT, or me putting the fish in copper when I get home. I may be wrong, but it seems to work for me so far. I would absolutly not try to catch him. You will only stress him out more. Just watch and see, he will be fine.