Blue Hippo need help-pictures


I recieved this skeleton Hippo yesterday.He is eating but I know with people and dogs if you feed them to fast they can die.Is this the same with fish??
Any suggestions on how to keep this poor thing alive??

Also what would be the best food to feed him in this kind of starved condition??
I feel sooo sad for him!!!



Active Member
What are you feeding the other fish? Do you have vitamins for the fishes foods? How often do you feed your fish?


Active Member
probably not a good idea to put it in your main display if you just got it yesterday in compromised condition no less. You cant feed a tang too much greens. they simply wont digest excess and it comes out looking the same way it came in.


Active Member
I've got a hippo that is in similar condition. They have to be fed pretty much constantly, and I wasn't feeding enough. That combined with really poor observation on my part let it get away from me. I'm working on fattening him up.
What is working for me is broccoli. It takes more work to tear at it so the other, less hungry fish give up sooner, and the hippo just picks at it all day.


You can try to feed them different variety of food like brime shrimp, mysis, algea sheet, but what I do on mine is I take about 10 sheet of algea sheet then I take plastic wrap lay them in pour them with mixture of garlic extreme or guard with vitamins and I let it dried outside. So that way the emmune system boost up. When I them with brime shrimp or mysis I also soak them is mixture of garlic and vitamins for 30 minutes before I feed them. Hope this suggestion helps you


I just got back from the LFS which is an hour away I purchased some Garlic extreme and some vitamins.Great idea on soaking the food in it I have some formula two soaking in it right now.He's eating really good as of now.I'm feeding them Formula one and two with a mixure of frozen food I make myself alittle bit of everything brine shrimp,silversides,krill,shrimp,sandeels,mysis shrimp, and scallops I mix it in a food proccessor and they love it.I am putting in red marine algae and green marine algae.
Boy -I sure hope this little fellow makes it!!!


Staff member
Feed 3x a day and add algae sheets for grazing. Add zoecon to 1 meaty meal.


Staff member
Forget the garlic extreme. If you want to try garlic, use fresh. The process is detailed in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.


Originally Posted by SCSInet
I've got a hippo that is in similar condition. They have to be fed pretty much constantly, and I wasn't feeding enough. That combined with really poor observation on my part let it get away from me. I'm working on fattening him up.
What is working for me is broccoli. It takes more work to tear at it so the other, less hungry fish give up sooner, and the hippo just picks at it all day.
Broccoli is a VERY gassy food. I don't know If I would feed that. Even for animal herbivores Broccoli is always a no-no. If it works for you then I am glad!


For the tang, pick up some nori sheets (seaweed wraps, make sure it is nori) from the grocery store and use Beth's fresh garlic reccipe along with the vitachem, selcon, zoecon, in rotation. If he won't take enriched nori at the moment then just try streight nori. He needs to eat. Have it available constantly, but not one big piece. It will get gross. Offer fresh several times a day. Also, I know your LFS is an hour away, but if you can get a clump of chaeto or caulerpa he may respond more to that for now. The important thing is to get him eating.


He's not doing to good this morning.I I'm headed back up to to LFS to pick up some zoecon,selcon.He is just sitting under a rock and not wanting to eat today.I put some Nori in yesterday but he is showing no interest in it.I have also got the red and green marine algae in there but no interest in that either.
He came out from under the rock to eat a LITTLE bit but his balance was bad he kept going to the side and then he went back under his rock.


Theres no way for me to get chaeto or caulerpa. I have never seen in sold in any of my LFS.They are just basic stores that don't really sell much of anything.