Blue Hippo scratching on rocks


Maybe someone can help. I have a blue HIPAA tang that scratches against my rocks every now and then. He does it once or twice a week, however he will do it several times. is this common? My tank has been running for two years.


does he have any white spots on him? sounds like it could be ich...i have heard that blue hippos are kinda prone to it. you may want to put him in a quarantine tank.


Active Member
they usually scratch with infection. and yeah blues are probably the most prone to it. Being that it is a year old, I wouldn't worry too much. Unless you have had a recent introduction of a new fish, and maybe introduction of ick. If you haven't got any already - I would get a cleaner shrimp or 2. They will clean off the tang. Blues will actually lay on their side and allow the cleaner to do it's work sometimes...