Blue Hippo Tang addition after Yellow tang?


I have to admit, I find these debates entertaining, but also I find them full of info.....lots of "to do's" and in some cases, as read in this thread.......lots of "don't" I haven't really dealt with tangs yet, but I have learned a lot in your argument. Thanks for fightin, beleive it or not, I learned alot!!!!


Active Member
Well if you ever can, go to a real aquarium and look at how big Tangs SHOULD get. Then you'll understand the debate better. I've seen lots of FULL size tangs, sailfins and naso's especially, and could never find myself putting one in something smaller than a 75 for very long.... The same thing im sure can be applied to FULL size angels. Just not to the extent of tangs because alot of us try and keep corals. If you think tangs get big.... FULL size angels get bigger and are gorgeous at 12-15 inches and definitely HUGE fish.

tony detroit

Active Member
I will say this..........
If you do get the blue tang, take both tangs and put them each in their own bucket with a lid on it for an hour or two so it's nice and dark and they go sleepy. Rearrange the tank so the yellow tang will have no territoriality with the blue. I would put the blue tang in first, then the yellow. Blues get scared really easy in my experience and I think it would help if he was put in there making him feel at home, instead of making him feel like he was just dumped in the middle of somebody's home.


I really like this suggestion(taking the yellow and out and putting both in buckets....) and had thought about it. Thanks again for the debate, I agree with dragracer this was a learning experience.


Rye if understand what you said, we call turkey (the bird) as "hindi" and Turkey (my country) called "Türkiye"
Also in Turkish Hungary (the country) called Macaristan and the ''i am hungry'' means ''açým'' i wish this helps :)
Blue tang was my first fish, i didnt know this forums before so i didnt know that tangs grow that big, also because i live in Turkey i dont have any place to read about them except internet...


cool lenvadal, you are probably keeping them for years in the same tank and they are full-grown and you read a lot about them to say these because i m sure lots starter will read these and want to put them in their small tanks...
bdhough, what you just need to know is a blue tang grows 1' long and the sizes of a 55gal... i didnt know that they grow that big when i bought mine but when i saw that i decided not to buy another one because a fulgrown one wont be even able to turn... but sure there can people who dont understand what ''a blue tang grows up to 1' long'' means


Anyone have a thought about this situation....
I have a 4" hippo in my 125 gal tank. I am considering moving him to my 92 gal tank temporarily (maybe 1-2 months) while I make some big changes to the tank. I currently have a juv. french angel and a yellow tang in the 92. Is this goint o result in fishy disaster?


fulcrum, a 92 - 95 or 97 isnt very important, they are still big tanks... sure in a 125, your tangs would be more comfortanle and healty but these tanks bigger then 90 isnt a very big problem but putting two 1' long active fish in a 29 - 35 or 55 gal has no meaning and a very bad thing for fish.
The yellow is ok in a 92 and hippo can be ok probably, no big deal but i wouldnt put, but a french angel gets huge, cant say anything for the angel because dont know if they need big tanks, i just know about french angels, they get very big, very attractive and they grow very slowly...
Good Luck


Active Member
All full size angels need a six foot tank one day. Period. You can't skimp with them. They get entirely to big.


The 125 is a six foot tank, and my plan is to get live rock established in the 125 so i can move the angel over to it. Currently the angel is only about 2.5-3" so I've got some time. I have also reisgned myself to the fact that I will give the angel back to the store when he gets too big for my system.
Right now the 125 has no live rock, and its a pain trying to keep the water parameters right. I want to put about 130lbs of live rock in it, and I am taking the opportunity of my impending house move to do it.
I want a home for the hippo while the 125 establishes itself, because I've heard they do not handle drastic changes as well as other fish (more susceptible to stress related illness). The water parameters in the 92 are pristine, undetectable nitrates, good ph, etc.
My LFS has coralline encrusted, well established live rock, but I'm still a little worried about a mini-cycle that could harm the hippo. The other fish are pretty hardy, and I dont worry too much about them.


I have a yellow tang and a blue hippo tang in a 75 gal tank. This was before anyone told me tangs needed more room than this. Mine seem to get along just fine though. During the night they each have their own space to call home, but during the day they, along with my chromis, usually settle in the back corner until feeding time. They only time i see aggression from either one of them is if the other is trying to get into the other one's "home." Even then it is mild, they just chase each other out of their "space bubble" and leave it at that. I will be moving them to at least a 90gal tank though once i move and have more plug ins available.


Hi fulcrum,
Try adding the LR not all of them at once, add forexample 10 lbs every week... this will help IMO
Hi Liz,
Actually agression is not the reason why the tangs need that much room, they need because they get BIG and they are ACTIVE swimmers. If they are small right now then no problem later you can turn them back to store or put in a bigger tank like a 150 gal...
Take Care