Blue Hippo Tang HELP!

I got a few new fish today, one of which was a blue hippo tang. Now I acclimated the fish for an hour with the drip method and I seem to be having problems with her.
When I opened up the bag she was floating on the top of the water sideways, now I thought she was dead but she started swimming. After doing the acclimation I put her in the tank and she was struggling to swim to the bottom and then floated up. She keeps wedging herself in between rocks or under the heater or near the filter.
If she moves away from it, she floats all the way to the top again and then struggles to cling to something....
any ideas?


I read a thread exactly like this yesterday. They said that the one guys became fine after. I'll try and find it.

eric b 125

my hippo tang did that for a few hours when i first got her. i think its a defense mechanism, like playing possum, but i could be way off on this. i think it even says something about this behavior in the description of hippo tangs in this site. also, when the lights first come on in my tank, the hippo tang looks a little faded, but i hear that, too, is normal.

eric b 125

my fish wasn't floating, though. she was on her side at the bottom. how did you get this fish? LFS, online? how long was it in the bag?
Local fish store, good guy too...
The fish still seems to struggle to stay down....
the bag was big, I picked it up, and never let the fish out of water, I even use a net to get it in the tank.


Hippo's do tend to act like that when stressed, either by new tank or new tank mates, etc. They will go into hiding, and fade to almost a lt. blue to white color. I would give it a few days maybe turn lights off for a while and let it get settled in.


Originally Posted by wilsonreef
Hippo's do tend to act like that when stressed, either by new tank or new tank mates, etc. They will go into hiding, and fade to almost a lt. blue to white color. I would give it a few days maybe turn lights off for a while and let it get settled in.
Yup there isn't much you can do now. Just hope for the best and keep an eye on him.
Couldn't find that other thread, I forgot the name. Sorry, it had some good info too.
Fish seems to be doing great now. She's swimming, eating and breathing normally. The only problem is she has ich, but i'm working on that.