blue hippo tang in 30 gal?


After visiting several sites, I'd say the answer to that question is somewhere between the NO to DEFINITELY NOT range. But seriously I know how it feels to try and find a decent fish that isn't some scrawny goby or blenny or something. You might consider a flame angel, a sixline wrasse, a coral beauty angel, or a couple of percula clowns.


I am sure it would be okay if you got a baby blue hippo..maybe around 1 inch or so. just make sure that you have a plan to put him in a larger tank before he get to be about 3 inches.


Active Member
NO, I had a blue hippo which was only about an inch long when I got him, after going through a couple bouts of ich, it develope HLLE in only 2 months in the 29g. I moved it to the 125g and its been fine for 4 months now. It doesn't matter how little they are, they need a good diet and plenty of swimming room.


Active Member
I am only for it if it is the only fish in an established 30 long, about 1-2", and there is another larger tank in another part of the house that you are trying to "grow him in to" because there are somewhat larger fish in it. Meaning, the 30 is a nicely furnished Q tank for awhile. That's about the extent of it, IMO.
I will add that there is actually a big different between a standard 29g tank and a standard 30 - which is a "long" tank. The 30g is a 36" tank and I believe the 29 is only a 24" tank. This is a HUGE difference in swimming space for these guys, as with territorial fish.


it's actually a 29 gal cube tank. i pretty much new the fish would be too big. my girlfriend wanted one really bad and i just wanted to make sure


Active Member
What is it with guys and their girlfriends always trying to make them buy certain fish? I think it's kind of funny, and it seems to be a pretty common occurrence. :)


your overlooking what this means... grounds for upgrade to say a 125 :)
"Hunnie if you really want this tang, i have to upgrade.. it shouldn't THAT much..."
haha think about it! :yes:

nm reef

Active Member
ophiura summed it up real well....I've never been a card carrying member of the "tang police" I'd never say its not possible short long as plans are in place to ultimately provide better conditions.
As for this response..."your overlooking what this means... grounds for upgrade to say a 125
"Hunnie if you really want this tang, i have to upgrade.. it shouldn't THAT much..."
haha think about it! " contend that holding a tang hostage in order to convince your significent other that a larger tank is needed is justifiable?
:thinking: :D :thinking:


lol no no! I meant before you get it upgrade! don't hold it in a small tank then upgrade. Tell her if she wants one, upgrade first!