Blue Hippo Tang issue. Urgent.


My blue hippo tang has been bobbing at the top of the tank ALL DAY. He isn't dead so I don't know what's up.
It is possible that he was overfed, could this be why? If so will this pass?
He is swimming vertically, he's not laying on his side or anything.


Originally Posted by thud
My blue hippo tang has been bobbing at the top of the tank ALL DAY. He isn't dead so I don't know what's up.
It is possible that he was overfed, could this be why? If so will this pass?
He is swimming vertically, he's not laying on his side or anything.
How long have you had this fish? What has he been eating? What are your exact water parameters for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, kh, SG, and temp?


New Member
We introduced a regal tang to our tank yesterday and today it's bobbing around at the top of the tank with a small red growth sticking out of the bottom part of it
Any ideas?


Quarantine tank is a must, whenever you get a new fish try to acclimatize them in the quarantine tank before transferring them to the display tank.
Tangs sometimes tend to behave a bit weird, might be one of those attacks, try getting some new saltwater from the nearest LFs and put your tang in that water if you dont have a quarantine tank., and check the parameters of your display tank, might be something wrong with it. I hope your fish just survives,


New Member
Sadly the Regal tang died! ???? We've done a 10% water change
We take our water to our local marine fish shop n they said all our levels were ok
We have a copperband butterfly in there too but it has some white spots on the tail Our 2 clownfish are ok up to now
We love this hobby but its getting expensive buying fish just to watch them die ????


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by hazelnut http:///t/256630/blue-hippo-tang-issue-urgent#post_3530808
Sadly the Regal tang died! ???? We've done a 10% water change
We take our water to our local marine fish shop n they said all our levels were ok
We have a copperband butterfly in there too but it has some white spots on the tail Our 2 clownfish are ok up to now
We love this hobby but its getting expensive buying fish just to watch them die ????

White spots??? Does it look like salt crystals? Go to fish disease and treatments forum and look at the pictures of sick fish, and see if it matches what is going on in your tank.

A quarantine would be a real good idea to set up when you are stocking your tank, yep... it gets real expensive to keep purchasing fish that die. Purchasing from this site gives you a 14 day guarantee, worth it's weight in gold.

If you have the ich parasite, the display needs to be empty of fish for 8 weeks, never dose the display...remove the fish and treat them in a hospital tank, leave the display fishless for 8 weeks. If it's ich, don't buy anymore fish until you get the tank back up clean and ready, and use a quarantine tank to prevent future problems.