Blue Hippo Tang - Lock Jaw???


My Blue Hippo Tang doesn't seem to be able to close his mouth. He is probably about 3 years old. He goes for the pelet food, but he can't keep it in is mouth because he cannot shut it. Any Advice?


Active Member
No animal has a lock jaw. There is NO mechanism in ANY creature's jaw that would allow the jaw to "lock." Trust me, I am an expert on this...I own a pitbull. You said it couldnt close its mouth? Maybe its teeth are outgrowing its mouth? Weird.


Active Member
Possible from an injury. Jamed into something. Want be easy but you can/if catch it ( be carefull handleing tangs ) and gently pull on the lip. Maybe just the stress and hideing from your net may cause it to un-jam. Just thinking....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
No animal has a lock jaw. There is NO mechanism in ANY creature's jaw that would allow the jaw to "lock." Trust me, I am an expert on this...I own a pitbull. You said it couldnt close its mouth? Maybe its teeth are outgrowing its mouth? Weird.
very untrue^^^^^ fish can and do get lockjaw this is not unheard of or uncommon in marine fish
in most cases this has been related to diet, improper nutrition. mostly seen in puffers and lionfish in other less seen cases of other species of fish. please visit this site below alot of articles on this very subject by marine specialist Im giving the google search page for this topic so you may brows through them all to find what suits your needs the most.good luck
ps tangs teeth do not outgrow the fish that is only true for puffers