Blue Hippo Tang losing color


He is still in my 72 gallon, diet has been mysis, emerald entree, squid, marine cuisine, dried purple and green seaweed. All foods except seaweed were soaked in Zoe for about a hour or 2. Should I soak the seaweed in Zoe as well?
It really looked like pimples just as on your face. A tiny bump with a white head. That's my best description. Their gone now, lasted about a week.
My parameters are all in good shape nitrates are less than 5, no nitrite or ammonia, pH 8.3, SG 1.024 as always. temp. 79.5-82.2 depending on day or night.


Originally Posted by nolatrav
He is still in my 72 gallon, diet has been mysis, emerald entree, squid, marine cuisine, dried purple and green seaweed. All foods except seaweed were soaked in Zoe for about a hour or 2. Should I soak the seaweed in Zoe as well?
It really looked like pimples just as on your face. A tiny bump with a white head. That's my best description. Their gone now, lasted about a week.
My parameters are all in good shape nitrates are less than 5, no nitrite or ammonia, pH 8.3, SG 1.024 as always. temp. 79.5-82.2 depending on day or night.
It does not sound like anything to be overly concerned about. If you see them again, take a close look with a magnifying glass and tell us what they look like at the skin surface of your fish.