Blue Hippo Tang problem


My hippo scrapes his sides on rock or on the cc. Other then that his is very healthy and eats good, His color is fine.. Is this normal?


Active Member
How long have you had him, and how long has he been doing this? It could be a sign of ich.


I've had him for about 3 months.. He has no spots or anyother signs of trouble.. I guess he's been doing the rubbing since I got him...


Active Member
If he's been doing it that long I'm not sure what it could be...Beth should see this and try to help you though.


I'n not sure either... You would think there would be other signs of somekind. I think I will assume he's fine. Thanks


There is a variety of ick that builds a black casing. Maybe it has been ick evolving through it's life cycles from the very beginning.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jacklax
There is a variety of ick that builds a black casing. Maybe it has been ick evolving through it's life cycles from the very beginning.



Active Member
it could still be ich, his immune system may just be able to keep it suppressed. but if it is, it could become major at the first major stress. hippo tangs are certified ich magnets (I know this from experience), so it probably is ich. but unless the tang actually develops the white spots (which is the body's response against the infection), I wouldn't worry about it or do any treatment especially if you've had him that long. just don't get him stressed!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
it could still be ich, his immune system may just be able to keep it suppressed. but if it is, it could become major at the first major stress. hippo tangs are certified ich magnets (I know this from experience), so it probably is ich. but unless the tang actually develops the white spots (which is the body's response against the infection), I wouldn't worry about it or do any treatment especially if you've had him that long. just don't get him stressed!
If hes scratching it means something is up...ich, parasite, bacterial infection!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
If hes scratching it means something is up...ich, parasite, bacterial infection!!
yes, I said in my post that it is likely ich, just probably not needing treatment. some fish can have ich, but have an immune system that keeps it suppressed. it has even been theorized by some that ALL fish have ich, it's just dormant in most cases. if this fish has been showing symptoms of ich for 3 months but has not deteriorated or passed it on to other fish, it would be completely unnecessary to treat at this point.


Active Member
You could also just try using garlic for awhile. I feed my fish 2-3x day (small portions) and vary diet. In the morning they get three different seaweeds clipped, afternoon a bit of formula 1 pellet, and night they get frozen mysis...I thaw the mysis cube in a small amount of tank water and put 1 drop of garlic xtreme and a couple drops of vit c in the mix. I use a really small container so the whole mix is only 2-3ml. I let it soak 10-15 minutes and then feed the fish. Most of the time I scoop out the shrimp without adding much of the soak water to the tank. Occasionally I add the soak water to the tank to add a bit of vit c to the tank water. So I am actually giving them garlic in one feed /day. ( By the way. ..Three feeds a day may be too much for you. Whether you can get away with this or not depends on your tank size, filtration, and your willingness to do regular maintenance.)


Active Member
Also I rely heavily on my little lighted magnifying glass. I don't know how old you are, but once you pass the "40" club, your eyes begin to disintegrate. Its amazing how much I am seeing now with my magnifying glass, that I never even realized before I was not seeing!!!
Unfortunately, unlike sea stars, we humans do age


Active Member
Originally Posted by sleasia
Also I rely heavily on my little lighted magnifying glass. I don't know how old you are, but once you pass the "40" club, your eyes begin to disintegrate. Its amazing how much I am seeing now with my magnifying glass, that I never even realized before I was not seeing!!!
Unfortunately, unlike sea stars, we humans do age

Thats to funny. I find myself looking over the top of my glasses alot lately to see up close. Ha!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jacklax
There is a variety of ick that builds a black casing. Maybe it has been ick evolving through it's life cycles from the very beginning.
black is is not the same paresite as ich
Symptoms: Flicking and scratching against rocks and other surfaces, small black spots on the body.
Comments: This disease is caused by small parasitic worms. The black spots are usually not as numerous as those in white spot disease. Also, black spot disease is not nearly as deadly.
Treatment: If the infestation is minor, a 5 minute freshwater bath may prove effective. Discontinue the freshwater bath if the fish begins to become overly stressed. For worse cases, use a copper or trichlorofon based solution. In a reef tank environment, the infected fish must be moved to a hospital tank for treatment. Never add copper compounds to an aquarium containing invertebrates. Some new treatments have appeared on the market recently which claim to control parasites in the marine aquarium. Consult your local aquarium dealer for more information.