blue hippo tang question


My hippo seems happy but it has been 7 days since I put him into the tank and all I can get him to eat is a few bites out of a piece of romaine on a clip I put right outside of the hole is seems to be in love with. What types of food are the best and will any bring him out of the hole to eat. How long can he go without eating??? He comes out and swims no more than 3 inches from the hole and right back in.... I just do not want him to die. And not because he cost 60.00 dollars it just would be a BIG shame to see him die.


I put a sailfin in the tank the same day. And he has been eating since he got in the tank.
Hippo 1
saifin 1
clowns 3
damzels 2
green crommis 1
and a few crabs
All but the hippo eat like pigs...
I have heard that the hippo's are very shy and take some time but I was just wondering if this is normal for it to take this long. My lfs guy said yes but I was just wanting some more opinions just to make sure...


Is the hippo getting chased back in the hole by the damsels? My hippo took about a week to get used to his surroudings. I woundn't worry too much yet. Mine will eat flakes, romaine, brine shrimp.


Yeah, watch the damsels.. They are a real bugger and will chase anyone.
My hippo cares less for the clips (Nori nor Seaweed Select). It does roam the tank and eat the green algae off the back of the tank. But, it goes boinker on Formula 2 & Prime Reef flakes.


Noone chases him but he just seems like a little kid not wanting to lose his chair. Its like he is afraid someone is going to go into his spot.


Active Member
well the lettuce isnt the best diet for him the idea you have is right ove veggies but tangs even being hebavores enjoy a good mixture of meaty and greens .more to the greens for health tangs are fed at least 2 times per day(yes they are poop machines) I feed veggie flakes by omega one or thera+a non medicated anitiparesitc formula pellets(I alternate daily) emerald entrese(frozen cube mixture of mysis shrimp and aglae) formula 2 aglae cubes(thawed and crumbled). pm feedings I mix these together for my omnivores .I add garlic extreme to all frozen food before feeding.seaweed selects as a treat only in between feedings..


Active Member
I've had my hippo tang for 3 days and he eats like, well, a hippo. the time I put him into the tank, he swam up to the yellow tang and made it known that a new sheriff was in town.
he had ate mysis, brine, spirulina, caulerpa, and flake.
he does not have a shortage of appettite or energy. hopefully, this won't change.
I'd suggest putting a little garlic and zoecon in the food. I'd also suggest a grounding probe if you don't have one already.


Active Member
buy something live like brine shrimp just to get used to it then go to some frozen stuff, thats how mine started to eat, mine did the same thing.