Blue hippo tang question

Hey I was wondering if Blue hippo tang's are normally shy when you first put them in the tank? I just added on and for the past day or so he has hidden from site. I can see him but he tries hard for me not to be able to haha. Is this normal. Will he warm up to the tank and start swimming around?


Mine is still shy. I have to hide behind a corner to watch him eat.

My husband hates him! He says "What's the point of having that stupid fish if you can't see him!"


Active Member
Originally Posted by nina&noah
Mine is still shy. I have to hide behind a corner to watch him eat.

My husband hates him! He says "What's the point of having that stupid fish if you can't see him!"
thats how i feel about my firefish. but my hippo after a couple of weeks is all ways out swimming around. unless you move to fast than its scares her and she swims behind the rocks.


That is what I do. I also leave seaweed strips for him, which he devours. He eventually comes out if I just stand there, very still, and watch the tank. He won't come out for anyone else though and if I have the lid open at all than he hides.


Active Member
i try to walk in front of my tank as much as possible so they get used to me.
none of my fish hide anymore.
most fish will hide for a week or so some longer ,as long as he is healthy and not being bullied he will eat.hippo is a pretty hardy fish compared to alot of others.
funny to pay all that cash for a fish then you cant see him.
my foxface would never come out for the first few months ,now i can hand feed him.all about patience.


My sailfin did the same thing for about 2 weeks now he's out all the time still doesnt like many other people but hes getting used to the wife kinda weird how they recognize figures and become comfortable with certain ones in my case Im the one that does the feeding probably has alot to do with it


New Member
I don't seem to have that problem with mine when I am in the front of the tank watching him, but when I feed him I feed him from the back of the tank, which is painted black since I built the tank into our bedroom wall, into a walk-in closet that was in our upstairs hallway.


i've found them to be very shy in the first few days, THey usually come out though unless a fish is intimidating it
it has been a week now and mine is still quite timid. he will sometimes swim around but then as soon as he sees movement outside of the tank hes right back to his hiding place. there shouldnt be anything in the tank to intimidate him. he is by far the biggest fish in the tank

i love fish

Originally Posted by Culp
thats how i feel about my firefish. but my hippo after a couple of weeks is all ways out swimming around. unless you move to fast than its scares her and she swims behind the rocks.
I know this is abit off topic, but I have the same prob with my 2 firefish and 1died of starvation coz of it, so I removed the other 1 to save its life so it can eat. how long hv u had ur fire fish and what do u do 2 get them 2 come out 2 eat, coz I wanna give the firefish another chance in the DT but don't wanna have it starve 2 death like the other 1.
Anyway, back 2 the subject of Regal Tangs, I've had my little 2 and a half inch regal tang 4 5 months now and it was shy and hiding for the first week, it was scared of both me and the foxface, but it seemed to love the clownfish and when it warmed up 2 them it just would not stay still. Right now it is the most active fish in my display and only hides when startled. It doesn't even phase it when my emperor angel is in attack mode and wants to take a huge chunk out of it.
good luck, hope it warms up to the tank soon.


Active Member
my Hippo is about 6 1/2 inches long when i put her into my tank and she was hiding for the most part of 2 weeks before she really warmed up to the other fish and me looking at her.


i had a hippo but it never made it out of the QT. it was happy in the LFS tank with abou 10 others, all about 2". it was a 10 min ride and 30min acclimation into the quarantine tank, the next morning it was covered in ick and within 3 days it was dead. the QT water was perfect and the LFS gave me a refund. it will be one of the last fish i add if i were to try again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JoJo727
i had a hippo but it never made it out of the QT. it was happy in the LFS tank with abou 10 others, all about 2". it was a 10 min ride and 30min acclimation into the quarantine tank, the next morning it was covered in ick and within 3 days it was dead. the QT water was perfect and the LFS gave me a refund. it will be one of the last fish i add if i were to try again.
o that's too bad. when i bought my Hippo it was a half hour ride home and a hour and a half and she made it thought QT. she did get real sick a couple of months ago but recovered.
and your lucky that your LFS gave you a refund. at my LFS as soon as you buy the fish its up to you to keep it alive. they don't give you any kind of refunds.
ya well the problem is similar to the firefish in the above post. I dont want it to starve to death.
It eats the algae sheets i have in the tank at night when no one is around but never anything else.
Originally Posted by JoJo727
i had a hippo but it never made it out of the QT. it was happy in the LFS tank with abou 10 others, all about 2". it was a 10 min ride and 30min acclimation into the quarantine tank, the next morning it was covered in ick and within 3 days it was dead. the QT water was perfect and the LFS gave me a refund. it will be one of the last fish i add if i were to try again.
I wonder how common this is? I know the tangs are ick magnets and I am treating mine for ick as we speak. She has pretty much fully recovered but I am almost hesitant to put her back in my DT after the problems I had.


Originally Posted by Culp
o that's too bad. when i bought my Hippo it was a half hour ride home and a hour and a half and she made it thought QT. she did get real sick a couple of months ago but recovered.
and your lucky that your LFS gave you a refund. at my LFS as soon as you buy the fish its up to you to keep it alive. they don't give you any kind of refunds.
there's a place like that in the next city over, they are pretty good on pricing and always have sells but have no mercy once they put the receipt in your hand. i've never purchased from there, but my wife and i stopped by while in the area and the first thing that caught my eye was the return policy. as soon as i finished reading it a guy came in with a fish floating in the original bag, he said he didnt even make into his driveway 20mins away but the owner didnt say anything...just pointed at the sign above my head.
Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22

I wonder how common this is? I know the tangs are ick magnets and I am treating mine for ick as we speak. She has pretty much fully recovered but I am almost hesitant to put her back in my DT after the problems I had.
i'm glad yours recovered well. i had a Scopas that went through QT when i first got him but when i put him in the DT he hid for a week so when i finally seen him he was covered in ick and i had to get him and all the other fish out to quarantine all of them. i ended up taking out all the rock and it still took me over an hour. i would really like a sailfin but i'm starting to think tangs and i dont mix well
Originally Posted by JoJo727
i'm glad yours recovered well. i had a Scopas that went through QT when i first got him but when i put him in the DT he hid for a week so when i finally seen him he was covered in ick and i had to get him and all the other fish out to quarantine all of them. i ended up taking out all the rock and it still took me over an hour. i would really like a sailfin but i'm starting to think tangs and i dont mix well
That is what worries me about the whole deal. I've done my part to fix the problem so I will see how it works out when I put them all back in the DT. If I have another ick outbreak I probably won't mess with the tangs anymore either.