Blue Hippo Tang - wounds/scratches


I have a new Blue Hippo Tang that I purchased near the end of last month. He was in the QT until this past Sunday (4 days ago). Today I notice what appear to be random scratches (white) on his body. A photo is attached. Ideas?
Other inhabitants are:
Percula Clown
Royal Gramma
1 coral banded shrimp
3 peppermint shrimp
about 6-8 blue hermits
about 10 - 12 scarlet hermits
2 Brittle stars
a few nassarius (sp?) snails
a few astrea snails
3 mexican turbo snails
1 feather duster
yellow polyps
star polyps


Staff member
Did these marks appear suddenly or develop over time? Does this fish lodge in LR?
Take a look at the pictures in the Diseased Fish Thread posted at the top of this forum and see if you can ID what you have with the fish that have HLLE.
Try posting a clearer picture and/or giving details about what you are seeing and how you think in developed.


Thanks Beth. The marks appeared rapidly. The fish was introduced into the main tank on Sunday after coming out of the QT tank following purchase in late January. On Tuesday evening, there were no visible marks. On Wednesday, I did not notice any marks, but because of coming home from work late and dealing with other things, I did not spend a lot of time looking at the tank, so it is possible that they had started. My first notice of the marks was yesterday evening (Thursday) and they are significant.
I looked over the pictures you suggested. Nothing is an exact match. I have had a tang with lateral line a few years ago. While the wounds appear similar in appearance, depth, and color, these marks do not appear down the lateral line. It also looks similar to the pics for "Hippo with HLLE flesh around eye" except all of these marks are on the body (not head) and on the lower half on both sides. There are also a couple of what appears to be very small pits in or near some of the lines. The lines are random in direction and shape.
I took about 10 photos yesterday, but the camera keeps autofocusing on the glass, so they appear blurry. I'll try again tonight when I get home.


By the way, I also posted in the New Hobbiest section since that area seems to get the most traffic and replies. Folks there (2 replies) seem to think these are just scratches from rocks as he is settling in to the new environment. Maybe I am over-reacting.


Active Member
I would agree that these may only be scratches. Hippos love to squeeze in tight places in the live rock. He probably got stuck and removed some of his slime coat.
You probably should just watch this. However, if you feel a need to treat, a product such as Stress-Coat may help heal this up more quickly.


Staff member
elfdoctor is right and it makes me think that he is trying to bury himself in a tight space in some LR. HLLE is not going to happen over night.


Thanks. I'll continue to watch and will post a better picture if I can get one. I got home tonight and he still appears strong and alert.
I am familiar with Stress Coat. I used to use it with a fish only tank. Is it okay to add with the more diverse reef inverts, corals and such? I posted my list of inhabitants at the start of this thread.


Staff member
No, don't use that. Try adding zoecon to the fishes' meaty foods, then offerring that up.


Beth and others,
Thought I would close the loop on this thread. Aparently the scratches were stress related caused by scraping against the rocks soon after introduction. Within a few days they cleared up and he is doing great now. I did start adding zoecon to food as Beth suggested. Thanks!


Staff member
Good to hear. Be sure to add a grounding probe to your tank if you haven't already.