Blue Hippo Tang


I just purchased 2 blue hippo tangs from my LFS today. I brought them home and introduced them into my tank, but i havent seen them since then. How do i make sure they eat, I wouldnt want anything to happen to them. I have kept the lights off since I put them in the tank and i think i will keep them off for a day or two to ease the stress. Any help would be more than appreciated. thanks.


One more thing, I am due for my monthly water change, should I due this water change with new fish in the tank right away, or should i wait a few days before I do anything? Thanks


i have a hippo tang. he will not be seen until i cut the light on. they stress over just about anything. i would say its cool to turn the lights on after a few hours.......more like 5. some say all day. i am sure when you turn the lights on and feed them they will eat. i have never know them to be picky eaters. and when they eat they dont stop.youll see
good luck! i should have gotten 2


i would have change the water first. maybe a few days ago. like i said they get stressed over the littlest things. however they should be fine. if you dont have a medicine tank i would look into getting one soon with those guys. they are ick magnets. if you have the money get one now. use the water from your water change to help get the water quality up. you may want to even keep a few demsels in there. maybe a clown or 2.


hippos love to hind.Since therein a new home they should be fine.just getting use to the new home.
I wouuld feed them some garlic soaked food.soak some alge for them to eat also.
good luck!!


Can I expect to see them once they get used to the tank? Or are they the type of fish to only come out when you feed them. The few that I have seen in other peoples tanks are always out swimming in the open. THanks.


I had a blue hippo for about three years, I never had a bit of problem with ick, although he did have lice when I first got him. Even though he was my prettiest fish, he was also my shyest fish, he would come out from the rocks but would go back in as soon as he way someone looking at him. Just becareful of putting to much stress on them and they should be fine.
Good luck
Angelgirl :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


New Member
THe blue tang is my favorite. I had one for 4 years and will be adding some to my new tank. Feed them a couple of times per day and place a small piece of romaine lettuce on a clip inside of the tank daily. They really will apreciate that. You can even get these fish to eat from your hand with some patience.