blue hippo tang


Originally Posted by nicetry
I wouldn't attempt the two different species in a tank of that size.
The maroon will be fine in your tank for the duration.
How about a percula and a black and white BIZARRO clown?
Also, if the only way is a pair of perculas, how can i figure out a mated pair in the store?


Originally Posted by DragonZim
You said "tangs" in the sentence above. So, how many tangs do you actually have in that 29?

a yellow and a blue so 2


Active Member
Originally Posted by BrandonCena
a yellow and a blue so 2
Since it's obvious that you dont want to hear advice I guess you wont be listening when people say that there is no way you should have those 2 fish in that small of a tank! They should be in a 180 or better!


Originally Posted by DragonZim
Since it's obvious that you dont want to hear advice I guess you wont be listening when people say that there is no way you should have those 2 fish in that small of a tank! They should be in a 180 or better!

im getting a 125 thats the best i can do i cant get over that


Active Member
Erm... Does this thread even have a point anymore?
All that is happening is useless, endless fighting, bickering and ignorance. :notsure:


Active Member
Wow....Crazy thread..Matt..I would go with a larger tank if money permits...If it doesnt wait on the tangs until it does...From reading your posts you seem like you might be a responsible keeper...Do the right thing..


Active Member
:hilarious :hilarious
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
no no dont close it, its gettin good ***) ***) ***)


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
People scream that it can be done....Then wonder why their fish have ICK all the time..



Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
Erm... Does this thread even have a point anymore?
All that is happening is useless, endless fighting, bickering and ignorance. :notsure:
We may have to lock it, but frankly I'm going to keep it open for now.
I think it is an important discussion. I believe we need to promote proper habitat keeping for fish to promote both the hobby as well as conservation of the wild reefs.


Active Member
A 55 and a 125 really have no difference on the fish's real territory. The fish in the wild have territories of a couple thousand feet. We cannot remake the habitat for the fish as it would be huge. What we can do is give them a bigger tank that should have a different effect on the fish even though its a little portion of the ocean.


Active Member
Here's a question.....he says the tangs are happy and all but didn't see anyone ask....
Brandoncena, do you have any issues battling ick, or any other illness from the two tangs in that confined space?
I have the same two common tangs eveyone else seems to have...the yellow and blue hippo. I have quite a bit of room in my tank, but I have seen my blue hippo scratching itself against a rock or two
And on a brighter note, when you do get that 125 your tang will appreciate it. I started off with a 42 and the wife and kids brought home the yellow tang as a surprise. After 4 months, the time finally came where I put it in its new home (135 gallon) and boy was it happy. So if indeed you are planning on purchasing the 125, you'll be very happy with how your fish enjoy their new home....good luck with that and this thread....getting pounded pretty hard....and by a ton of knoweldgeable folks...


Originally Posted by TriGa22
A 55 and a 125 really have no difference on the fish's real territory. The fish in the wild have territories of a couple thousand feet. We cannot remake the habitat for the fish as it would be huge. What we can do is give them a bigger tank that should have a different effect on the fish even though its a little portion of the ocean.
True but also realize that as soon as people advocate 55's as good enough death rates will go through the roof.
Simple method is this; If you haveto ask, you are not ready. I learned that on here from an older person much wiser than I.