blue hippo tang


tell me guys, i am thinking of all of the fish that i will be adding to my reef tank when i am ready and the blue hippo tang is definitely one that i will be considering. my tank is a 90 gallon bow front corner tank and i want to know if that is enough space for this fish. also, what other fish will NOT live peacefully with this fish (only reef safe fish need to be mentioned).


the tank will not be big enough forever for any type tang but if you get it at and inch or so you'll have about two years before it needs more room. They grow pretty quick sometimes and have big spirts of growth often. Gobies damsels, clowns, and bassets will be good to name a few.


Yeah I keep hearing tangs in generally like tanks at least 6' long. Didnt believe it myself till my hippo grew and started losing color. He was small when I got him (sized of a nickel), grew a little (size of a half dollar) and started to stress in my 44 gal. Moved him into my 72 bow and he regained his color. Seems happier than ever and has even grown some more in the month he's been in there. I'm setting up a 84" 210 gal. for his permanent home. He's gonna love it.... and I will too... LOL


Active Member
As was said the fish will eventually outgrow the tank. However if you are confident that an upgrade is in the future or know of large commercial displays that the fish can be donated to there is no reason not to raise it just don't get to attached to it.
The fish will be well adapted to captivity and of the proper size when and if it is donated to a larger display that will likely include larger and more aggressive specimens.
Restaurant displays come to mind here at which point you can still go out to eat and pay visit to the fish you raised to adulthood.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brandon7491
u can keep one in a 90 with no problem
I disagree.
Two issues present themselves;
1. Very small Tangs often do poorly in captivity. So buying a tiny one in the hopes it is small enough to fit in your tank for a couple of years is a bad idea.
2. You really can't expect to dump your fish off on someone else when you no longer can provide for it.
In addition, it's difficult to tell exactly when a Tang is too big for it's current environment.